
June 1, 2017 bktech

What the P25 Radio Will Look Like in 100 Years

As a public safety device, future P25 radios will follow the trends of technology and stay compliant to service over the next 100 years. It will undergo its own developments and new modeling to fit the future conditions. The technological evolutions will still need reliable component advancements to deliver dependable performance. So, what does the future look like for P25 radios? First, we need to understand the present. Today, public service uses three forms of interfaces:

  • LMR Land Mobile Radio—Push button two-way responders
  • LTE Long Term Evolution—Broadband with faster speed in connection
  • Wi-Fi—Wireless networks

The reality of this emerging trend has shifted toward network-based wireless communications. The future devices will accommodate the evolving communication channels with no interruption or loss of voice calls. New technology allows the user to focus on what they do, without having to worry about the loss of voice contact. Tomorrow’s commitment like today is public safety, regardless of the location when using P25 radio communications.

What are the future impacts of advancing technology developments of P25 radios? The ideal conception of the future sees integrated systems with wider range capacities. Trends cause the changes and a need to service triggers development. The future industry demands will resemble the current; smaller sized manufactured components and higher product performance for the call to duty.

As a leader in American manufacturing of two-way communication devices RELM Wireless Corporation is an active participant in future design and development; combining the best to sustain public safety for mission critical voice ability.


100 years from now, the necessity for precise and continuous emergency communications will make a between life and death. The outlook looks favorable for LMR functionality by linking forces with LTE and Wi-Fi. The ongoing developments of RELM Wireless Corporation P25 radios will make accessing multiple networks for public service communications easier.

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