
September 15, 2015 bktech

Raging Wildfires Highlight the Importance of Two-Way Radio

So far, 2015 has been a record year for wildfires in the United States. According to from the National Interagency Fire Center, more than 8 million acres of land have been devastated by wildfire thus far. And the damage doesn’t stop there – at the beginning of September, there were 65 large fire complexes torching land across states such as California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana.

Firefighting crews are working tirelessly to contain the flames, but according to recent estimates, some fire complexes won’t be contained until mid-October or even November. The flames are ruthless – and they’ve claimed both homes and lives. Communication among the firefighters of the U.S Forest Service, first responders, and volunteer agencies is critical to achieving containment and minimizing damage. Two-way radio is relied upon in these mission-critical situations to keep personnel from all these agencies in communication with one another, and to keep fire crews safe.

Underscoring the reliance that the U.S Forest Service places on two-way radio communications, Relm Wireless recently received approximately a from the department on September 9th for KNG-Series Digital P-25 portable two-way radios and D-Series mobile radios with accessories. These two-way radios will continue to support the vital and often dangerous work that the firefighters and other agents of the U.S Forest Service often perform. We are proud to see our equipment working hard on the front lines and support the courageous efforts of the U.S Forest Service to save lives, land, and homes.

Do the firefighters of your department or first responders in your jurisdiction have the communication tools they need to stay safe and minimize loss? Two-way radios offer reliable and vital service in situations that range from everyday to catastrophic. Contact Relm today to learn more about protecting your agents and the public with advanced two-way radio capabilities.

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